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Published on: 2009-05-11
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Original language: English

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the fables were invented by a slave named Aesop, who lived in Ancient Greece during the 5th century BC. While some suggested that Aesop did not actually exist, and that the fables attributed to him are folktales of unknown origins, Aesop was indeed mentioned in several other Ancient Greek works – Aristophanes, in his comedy "The Wasps," represented the protagonist Philocleon as having learnt the "absurdities" of Aesop from conversation at banquets; Plato wrote in "Phaedo" that Socrates whiled away his jail time turning some of Aesop's fables "which he knew" into verses; Demetrius of Phalerum compiled the fables into a set of eleven books (Lopson Aisopeion sunagogai), which have been lost, for the use of orators. There was also an edition in elegiac verse by an anonymous author, which was often cited in the Suda. Jean de La Fontaine - Wikipedia Jean de La Fontaine (IPA: [ d la ftn]; 8 July 1621 13 April 1695) was a famous French fabulist and one of the most widely read French poets of the ... Medieval Bestiary : Bibliography by Author Medieval Bestiary pages - bibliography by author. ... Linda Phyllis Austern ed. Inna Naroditskaya ed. Music of the Sirens (Bloomington IN: Indiana University ... The Little Book Store - Collectible children's and ... Specializing in Antiquarian and rare collectible children's and illustrated books. Collections of pop-ups / movablesclassic fairy tales and foreign language children ... Browse By Author: A - Project Gutenberg A--a. See: Suppanen Alma 1858-1937. Aaberg J. C. (Jens Christian) 1877-1970 Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark (English) (as Author) Aakjr Jeppe 1866-1930 Home Page - Argosy Book Store - Old & Rare Books Maps ... Battles of the United States by Sea and Land: Embracing Those of the Revolutionary and Indian Wars the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. DAWSON Henry New York ... Folklore of India - New World Encyclopedia Characteristics of the folklore of India. Much of Indian folklore has a religious character. Hinduism the religion of the majority of the citizens of India is a ... Miniature Books by Miscellaneous Foreign Presses Allhems Frlag : Fritiofs Saga; Tegner Esaias: 1959 Malmo Sweden 2 1/8" x 1 7/16" 146 pp. gilt leather slip case: LN 1: $145.00 : Abraham Horodisch Assorted Readers Mostly Primary Mostly Old Other Schoolbooks 24. (Harvey's Grammar) Harvey's Elementary Grammar and Composition by Thomas Harvey reprinted here in an updated and revised format by Mott Media. A Study of Fairy Tales: Chapter IV. The History of Fairy Tales CHAPTER IV THE HISTORY OF FAIRY TALES. The gods of ancient mythology were changed into the demi-gods and heroes of ancient poetry and these demi-gods again became ... Browse By Title: A - Project Gutenberg Aamun miehi: Historiallinen kuvaelma (Finnish) by Wilkuna Kysti. Aan de kust van Malabar De Aarde en haar Volken 1909 (Dutch) by Deschamps mile
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